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Centurion Solutions Marketing entered business initially as a Direct-Marketing company, focusing on pitch creation and sales training for large conglomerate organisations and the teams operating in the field.


Centurion Solutions Marketing (CenSol) worked in Angel, Islington and offered services at a discount to the surrounding businesses in an effort to create a business community that centred on synergy, this introduced the idea of loyalty products which now is one of the unique parts of the CenSol portfolio.


As needs for services more centred around traditional Public Relations and Marketing operations increased, CenSol provided the expertise, and moved to Essex in order to create projects that introduces small businesses, family run firms and start-ups to cultured strategic approaches to communication and generating their customer and then to make them loyal.

"Sometimes your company just needs a big-brother in the worlds complex playground"


Brand Advocacy

We all have that brand we just adore, even if there are overall better products or brands on the market, you still champion that brand as if it’s your own. That’s something that marketers have tried to bottle for decades, and always been beyond reach. Recent leaps in the more progressive marketing organisations has shown patterns in how to develop these habits in consumers by ethically building your brand. Don't just have a collection of customers, build your army of Brand Champions! What can stand in your way with people thinking your brand is the best thing since sliced bread.

Focusing on real People

Interpretation is a huge part of a companies success or faliure. And it is one of the most potent items that the public have in their arsenal. Centurion Solutions have a firm grip on the available audiences, and exactly the type of message that they would like to hear, limiting or even disabling interpretation as an element so that your desired message can reach your audience without that akward cough of confusion. We deal in visions, we help build yours if its not there, and then we help other people understand why they should jump on it, and now!

Fast Business

The saying is well known, 'time is money' well it’s true, and it’s vital in the world of Public Relations especially when dealing with a situation that has turned into a crisis, things can enflame quickly. It’s under this pretence where we dedicate an account manager to every contract regardless of size, and just like county politics, your account manager will enforce your will, even amongst other Centurion Solutions account managers.

The Centurion Solutions Way

Becoming a Centurion

The word 'marketing' isn't a stand-alone entity and should never be treated at such, Marketing encompasses a variety of branches, all of which are used in synergy to produce results befitting the planning that has been undertaken.


At Centurion Solutions Marketing we have a large array of contacts, both political and commercial, we also have a large pool of affiliates and partners that we use to achieve maximum results. In your campaign plan that we draw up for your business, we will clearly demonstrate how we will utilize these assets for your plan, your Account Manager will update you as regularly as you would like.


73% of small business don’t have a marketing strategy, much to their own harm, many believe that a Facebook or a Twitter will simply suffice, we will teach you everything you need and would like to know about the social media environment and how your brand is portrayed and seen by your true stakeholders, your customers. From this information you can gain the knowledge necessary to help us design your marketing strategy which will somewhat become your guidebook to conducting customer interaction, either literary or face to face 


With a comprehensive or at least working Marketing Strategy you will see your business from an entirely new perspective, problems that you once saw will evaporate and you and your staff will have the capabilities to significantly increase the rate and effectiveness at which you generate new customers and then transfer them to loyal customers.


Enlisting Centurion Solutions Marketing to be your marketing department is a vote for your business success, we enlist the benefits of Social Media, Advertisement, Public Relations and Content marketing where ever we can in your campaign.


Do you have a great product or service but you aren’t the best advocate for it? Our professional team of representatives are highly trained in the art of sales pitching and presenting, no one will carry your product further in meetings, even as a support to accentuate a key-point in your proposal, or to boost the chances of gaining that investment.


The only decision you have to make is; if money wasn’t a barrier would you want a world class influencer representing your business, a person who understands the people you are facing, or would you like to fly in blind?

© Centurion Solutions 2016

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